Thursday 19 June 2014

Digital Storytelling to Tell a Tourism Story

I approached finding the elements of my Storify through search the various outlets provided - focusing on Google, Instagram, YouTube and SoundCloud. On YouTube I searched Travel Alberta and Alberta Stories. I made use of my own instagram account, a friends account and also searched the hashtag #explorealberta. I further utilized a link from our module work and own class tweets. On soundcloud I tried searching Alberta Music, Alberta and some local musicians that I know and know that are on SoundCloud - that did not yield much success. I then chose to search Brett Kissel, as I knew he is a better known Alberta musician, and having participated in some tourism events I have helped organize, thought he was a good fit for this story. For google I search tourism in Alberta - not intending to select a Travel Alberta page - it just ended up being the best fit for what I was trying to say. I wanted to use video, photos and music - as those elements really help to tell a story, especially a tourism story - and are also essential elements to what I consider a quality Digital story.

In determinig my 'criteria' I stuck with the Alberta side, because it is what I know. I did search for some other articles or information on Digital Storytelling and Tourism, but wasn't satisfied with the results that were yielded. I wanted the images and videos to be impactful and the National Film Board's Out My Window site is spot on to what I envision as a good way to tell a tourism story - providing sneak peeks into different experiences and attractions in different regions rather than different apartments in different parts of the world. I can't say for sure if my post provides a full picture of the idea I was hoping to relay.

To my eye, it clearly communicates what I envision, to an outsider, it may not be as clear. that said, I think it does provide a rather good overview into my thought process - although I'm sure if more time and effort were placed on this, I could round it out a little further. Without sound on these computers, it is hard to say if the other videos I found truly align with what I am trying to say, so again, I stuck with what I knew. I do think I could use this Storify as a starting point to relay my concepts within my work environment. It is possible I could turn this into a longer academic essay as well. However,

I think I would need to do much more research and gain a better understanding of the concept and functionality of digital fiction before I can say for sure if it was a viable idea for tourism storytelling and worth diving deeper into and writing and essay about it.

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