Friday 20 June 2014

Politically Incorrect Twitter Fiction

Twitter fiction uses 140 characters to tell a compelling story. You can bring it to life by adding visual effects to the narrative. Try Animoto software which combines text, photos, video and music for a full sensory experience. However, the free version only allows 30 seconds with a few choice words. This forces you to tell a concise story - which reflects the purpose of Twitter fiction.

But remember, twiterature isn't always classic literature. For example, DadBoner is an ongoing Twitter story of a small man from a small town, just trying to get by. Some fun excerpts from my interpretation of his day are captured below.

Copy of DadBoner


  1. Hilarious Tara - what a great idea! and what a bobo of a guy. Terrific use of including various modes of media to convey message. Good job!

  2. Oh my god this is funny Tarra. Awesome!

  3. Great Animoto...especially since my family just gave me feedback on my twitter feeds telling me that I am not funny and misusing Twitter. I will share @dadBoner with them.

  4. Rudy Zacharias20 June 2014 at 23:51


    This is excellent. For one, the music captures perfectly the message of the whole clip and reflects the imagery; the text is appropriate to the images - telling the story, without over-explaining the pictures.

    Great work - and hilarious! You've successfully carried out what we were to do!

  5. Love it soooooo much! Well done - music, images well done. Perhaps I was too quick to judge Twitterature :)
