Friday 20 June 2014

Inanimate Alice in Nepal

Producing 'Alice' - Creating Digital Fiction one Step at a Time

The experience of producing a video/vignette has solidified the close relationship between concept, text, images, and sound. The right combination can result in something truly meaningful and magical. Poorly done? Well...I know understand b-movie production as well.

Our experience of Inanimate Alice is one of a certain genre where even the nature of the font impacts tone and mood.

As I tried to replicate the mood of the Inanimate Alice series, where Alice now travels to Nepal, I realized that the limitations of Animoto would not provide me with a desired outcome, but at least enabled an attempt at the concept and explore the tool.

I would love to upgrade the Animoto account, explore more options to produce the next instalment of Alice in Nepal and beyond.

Inanimate Alice in Nepal


  1. I love this piece Louise. It really builds on Alice.

  2. Rudy Zacharias20 June 2014 at 23:42

    This is excellent, Louise - not only because you followed the instructions of the assignment, but because you built on the example in class, adding to the story. It also captured my attention and made me want to travel to Nepal even more, as we discussed briefly in class today. Thanks for feeding my travel bug.... :-) Well-done!
